Monday, November 30, 2009

8 is no 6 is good for me!

I love to see the look on peoples faces when I say we have 6 kids....mouth open, then the look. As if looking at my stomach will tell them something spectacular when what they really want to know is "did you give birth to all of them?" Answer....NO and yes I am happy that not all of their cute little heads came from my body. Sorry three was good for me. Anyhow, that's not the story. After years of the same responce I got the best one on Saturday. We went to lunch at he Elephant bar and on this trip only had Aiden with us. As we sat down I could see that we had caught the eye of a woman sitting with her husband and two of the boys with his new bride you could just tell. The mom had the look of when are you going to give me a grandchild like that one written all over her face!  So without disapointment she anounces I'm waiting for them to give me one of those, pokes her son and say see isnt he cute! In comes my response...."he's the youngest of 6 you can borrow him any time you want! She stops turns around gulps her wine then looks at the now terrfied girl at the table who whispers something to her then she looks back at me and says "his, mine and ours right" Yep you got it lady. She then looks back at her daughter-n-law and said "see I told you nobody looks that good giving birth to 6 kids"..................that my friends is not something I will be challenging.

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